Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Crock Pot Chicken Stock

I mentioned my chicken stock in the post $30 Grocery Week, but I thought it would be helpful to show how it's made!  It can be stored in the refrigerator for one week or in the freezer for months.  I use it so quickly it barely lasts a week, so I can't say how long it would last in the freezer.  If you have a pressure canner, you can can (hehe) for extended shelf life.  Because chicken stock is a low-acid item, it cannot be canned using the traditional boiling method for canning.  Homemade chicken stock is the secret to elevating your cooking.  It somehow magically transforms your food and makes a large impact in place of store bought stock.  My stock recipe is inspired by Ina Garten's Delicious Chicken Stock.  Those of you who have made stock may be thinking you need the meat to obtain good flavor, but I assure you this is very full flavored! I have also baked split chicken breasts, removed the skin and meat, and immediately thrown them in the crock pot for stock as well. Substitute for turkey..whatever you have on hand usually works.

Coarsely chop all your vegetables.

Everything in the pot but the chicken and water.

Throw the ol' frozen bird right on top and pour water over until vegetables are covered (about 2-3 inches below the lip of the crock pot).  Don't worry if your lid does not fit.  You can see mine is well above the lid level.  My lid fit over about an hour into the cooking time.  

Once chilled, skim off the fat.

This batch yields 7 cups of stock!

Crock Pot Chicken Stock

1 Rotisserie Chicken, meat and skin removed
4 carrots, chopped
4 celery stalks, chopped
1 yellow onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
3 sprigs Thyme
1 Tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper

Place carrots, celery, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, and thyme in bottom of crock pot. Place rotisserie chicken on top of vegetables.  Fill with water until covered.  Cook on high for 5 hours or low for 8 hours.  Let cool, then strain using a fine mesh strainer.  Place in container and refrigerate.  Once cool, skim yellow fat off top.  Enjoy!

Do you have a good stock recipe? What do you like to cook in your crock pot?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Southern Trash Talk

I'm southern, born and bred.  Some from the deep south may disagree with that statement, but when we are technically speaking, I am indeed below the Mason Dixon line.....and I have a southern accent....especially when conversing with my mother.

Well being southern with plenty of time on my hands due to the recent inclement weather, I would like to give you the Southern Talk Meme Series.  Enjoy!  Feel free to add your suggestion and I will happily Meme-ify it!

I apologize for any southerns that live in states not included on my southern states map or for true southerns regretting me including Florida.






